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How to write unit test for a class with dependency to ServiceLocator (with example of Optimizely)?

How to write unit test for a class with dependency to ServiceLocator (with example of Optimizely)?

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Some testing classes may have a dependency to the ServiceLocator, so the dependencies are injected via property, for example. That makes class more difficult to unit test. In this post I will present how to write unit test for a class with dependency to ServiceLocator, with the real world example of Optimizely.

Note Optimizely uses Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, but the same approach can be used for other DI containers. Also, the scenario apply for non-Optimizely projects.

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The problem

Let's consider an unit test of a class that contains property-injected service. In Optimizely, that would be, for example, XhtmlPropertyModel class:

public class XhtmlPropertyModel : PersonalizablePropertyModel<string, PropertyXhtmlString>
    private readonly Injected<IXhtmlStringPropertyRenderer> _xhtmlStringPropertyRenderer;

    internal XhtmlPropertyModel() { }

    public XhtmlPropertyModel(PropertyXhtmlString propertyXhtmlString,
        ConverterContext converterContext) : base(propertyXhtmlString, converterContext)
        this.Value = converterContext.IsContentManagementRequest ?
            propertyXhtmlString.XhtmlString?.ToEditString() :

The above class is difficult to unit test, because of the following reasons:

  • It does not have any public constructor with dependencies injections and no logic
  • It has a property-injected service
  • The ConverterContext is a class that is also difficult to mock as it has many properties in the constructor

The problem will appear when the above model will be used in our class that we want to test. Example of the class would be:

public class XhtmlStringPropertyService : IXhtmlStringPropertyService
    private readonly IXhtmlStringPropertyRenderer _xhtmlStringPropertyRenderer;

    public XhtmlStringPropertyService([NotNull] IXhtmlStringPropertyRenderer xhtmlStringPropertyRenderer)
        _xhtmlStringPropertyRenderer = xhtmlStringPropertyRenderer;

    public string DoSomething(ConverterContext converterContext) =>
        new XhtmlPropertyModel(new PropertyXhtmlString("something"), converterContext)?.Value;

We also could wrap the model in the interface, so it will be mockable, but there are some context (like Content Delivery API data conversion), where you are constrained to that model.

The solution

The solution is to mock ServiceLocator and register it within a test via SetServiceProvider method. Remember that ServiceLocator is a static class, so it is not possible to mock it with free proxy-based test frameworks like Moq or NSubstitute.

In this example, I'm using along with NSubstitute for mocking data, but the same approach can be used with other test frameworks.

The definition of system under test (i.e. XhtmlStringPropertyService) is:

private static IXhtmlStringPropertyService Sut()
    var substituteForRenderer = Substitute.For<IXhtmlStringPropertyRenderer>();
                             Arg.Is<PropertyXhtmlString>(x => x.XhtmlString.ToString() == "something"),
                             Arg.Is<bool>(x => x == false))
                         .Returns("something different");

    var substituteForServiceLocator = Substitute.For<IServiceProvider>();


    // Indirect assertion:

    return new XhtmlStringPropertyService(substituteForRenderer);

As we can see in the above example, we are mocking IXhtmlStringPropertyRenderer and IServiceProvider and then we are registering the mocked IServiceProvider in ServiceLocator. The last step is to create an instance of the system under test.

Now, our test can look like:

public void just_a_simple_test()
    IXhtmlStringPropertyService sut = Sut();

    var converterContext = (ConverterContext)System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers

    var something = sut.DoSomething(converterContext);

    something.Should().Be("something different");

Note the ConverterContext is a class that is also difficult to mock as it has many properties in the constructor. In this case, we are using a technique to create a class with by-passing existing constructors.

Also note that if you're using ServiceLocator in tests that are running in parallel, we need to disable paralellization in the test fixture:


  • ServiceLocator is a static class, so it is not possible to mock it with free proxy-based test frameworks like Moq, FakeItEasy, or NSubstitute.
  • The solution is to mock ServiceLocator and register it within a test via SetServiceProvider method.