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Swap values via deconstruction in C#

One of the feature of the C# allows to swap values via deconstruction (without using temporary variable). It was introduced while ago (C# 7.0), but I oversaw it. It's a nice feature that allows to swap values in a very elegant way.
So, the before code is:
var temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
And now, we can do it in a more elegant way + with no variable declaration:
(a, b) = (b, a);
Whoa! That's cool! 😎
But wait, do we have a temporary variable allocated? Let's dig into it deeper.
By looking into the decompiled code1, we can see that there is the temporary variable, but it's not allocated (it is stored in the stack):
int b = P_0.b;
int num = (P_0.b = P_0.a);
P_0.a = b;
Now, let's see if the JIT assembly code differs from the non-tuple-deconstruction code:
The full code is:
int a, b;
void tuple_deconstruction() => (a, b) = (b, a);
void old_way()
int num = a;
a = b;
b = num;
The JIT code is:
L0000: mov eax, [rcx+0xc]
L0003: mov edx, [rcx+8]
L0006: mov [rcx+8], eax
L0009: mov [rcx+0xc], edx
L000c: ret
L0000: mov eax, [rcx+8]
L0003: mov edx, [rcx+0xc]
L0006: mov [rcx+8], edx
L0009: mov [rcx+0xc], eax
L000c: ret
So, it's the same - swapping is done in a different order, but the logic is the same.
Core CLR 8.0.724.31311 on x64 ↩